Each year through our IHS Community Grants program, Friends of Ingraham manages multiple grant cycles.

In the 24-25 school year we will have 3 cycles - October, January, and April. Teachers and staff are encouraged to submit grant requests which are evaluated by the FOI Board and Principal Floe, and then voted on by FOI Members. 

The Community Grants are entirely funded by donations from IHS families and community members.

During Friends of Ingraham’s first Community Grants cycle for the 24-25 school year, we received 25 requests for funding. FOI granted over $23,000 for projects and programs to fill funding gaps and enhance the educational experience of all of our children!

October 2024 Community Grants –

Sensory equipment for SPED Department

Software license fees and privacy screens for Math Dept

Lab equipment for IB Physics classes

New blenders and flour mill for culinary programs

Equipment for PE classes including footballs, plastic baseball bats, badminton rackets, pickelballs, soccer balls, kickballs, combo locks, volleyballs, speakers

Digital textbook and 10 Geiger counters for students to study radiation and nuclear chemistry in Chemistry A, Chemistry B, and several IB science classes

Nutritional support and supplies for SAT and PSAT test days, staff professional development, Proyector Sabor and Familias Latinas meetings, and Newcomer Night

Field sound recorders for IB Film classes

New seating + fiction, nonfiction, and graphic novels in several languages for the library

Tenor saxophone for the Music Department (co-funded with IPAB)

Sensory materials and fine motor task kits for students significantly impacted with sensory regulation

Chaperoned college visits for students who would otherwise not be able to do the visits

Fall celebration supplies for SpED students

Art Integration Projects for Science Department

Suicide prevention supplies for the Counseling Department

Your support provides the funds for all of these important resources and activities for our students and staff! Donate here.

If you would like to learn more about Friends of Ingraham Community Grants, reach out to FOI VP Mary Power at foigrants@gmail.com.  We need a new VP of Grants and a new Fundraising Chair for school year 25-26. If you are interested in getting involved please reach out! Mary would love to work with you this year to give you an idea of what is required. You can also do these roles with a friend and be the co-VP or co-Fundraising Chair!

During the 23-24 school year, FOI was able to award $62,000 in Community Grants for over 50 different requests. Here are some examples of the 23-24 grants:

  • Text books for new IB Biology curriculum

  • Graduation stoles and celebration supplies for seniors and Latinx families

  • Transportation for 42 students furthest from educational justice and 3 adults to Central Washington University for a campus visit

  • TI 84 Plus Calculators and online assessment tools for AP Calc classes

  • 350 copies of Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck for 9th grade LA and 200 copies each of 4 different books for 10th grade LA students

  • For Physical Education - pickleballs, pickleball paddles, footballs, whistles, jump ropes, kickballs, inflator, barbell neck pad, barbell collars, carabiner, indoor soccer balls, pinnies, pickleball/badminton nets, rackets, soccer goals, birdies, volleyballs, gym locks 

  • 10 new SD cards and 5 new adapters for use in film and photography class

  • Organic chemistry kits for IB Chemistry 

  • Class set of Electrical Circuit Kits for IB Physics 

  • Textbooks for IB French 

  • Sensory equipment for Special Education classrooms

  • Support for Euro Challenge Team trip to New York for competition

  • Registration fees for National High School Ethics Bowl regional and national competitions

  • Vihuela and 20 classical guitar straps for IHS Mariachi program

  • Ingraham HS Folklorico Club shoes and skirts

  • Familias Latina Parent Group snacks and supplies for parent meetings