Volunteer Needs

This page will be regularly updated with current volunteer needs.

If you want to volunteer or learn more about any of these opportunities please e-mail friendsofingrahamhs@gmail.com and someone will respond to you personally.

Check back and look for highlights in our monthly newsletter.

Join the newsletter mailing list here.

Last minute needs will be posted on social media.

Current Volunteer Needs:

Are you a junior parent? We are looking for 4 parents who are willing to help with senior event planning this year. As junior parent reps, you would attend the parent meeting on October 8th for senior parents and spend the rest of the year learning what is involved with organizing senior events to help kickoff the effort NEXT year. Ideally, the reps would organize a social event/fundraiser to kick start fundraising prior to senior year that FOI would keep in savings. Keep senior events going by volunteering now!

Are you often on Facebook? Be a Facebook Moderator. We could use an few additional admin to help keep an eye on posts, delete spam and occasionally post or answer questions.

Featured Board Position:

The current FOI Board has a significant number of board members with their last/only child graduating from Ingraham. We’ve all been working hard to create great programs and want to keep all the good things going! If you have time and can become a parent leader…. WE NEED YOU!!!

See our “featured board position” to learn how to gradually step into a position, learn what is involved and the time commitment, and how to start now. By starting the transition now, you get to learn from an experienced volunteer instead of having to try to start from zero next year.

Featured Board Position:

coming soon (because sometimes a volunteer just can’t get it all done before curriculum night!)