Board Positions
When you invest your time and energy as an FOI Board member….
Actively contribute to your child's school community
Make a direct impact on student learning by advocating for their needs
Gain valuable leadership experience
Build connections with other parents and teachers and administrators
Have a say in decision-making that directly affects your child's education environment.
Open positions for the 2025/2026 School year:
President (1 year)
co-President (2 year commitment)
Assistant Treasurer
Hospitality/Parent Outreach
Fundraising Chair
Communications Chair
Class of 2026 senior events steering committee (5 people)
See Job Descriptions for details and time commitments. Any of the positions can be shared by two people and there is flexibility to make a position fit the strengths and availability of the volunteer.
If interested please reach out to us at and we can work with you to find a best fit for your skills and availability.
Check out these descriptions to learn more!
President: The President is the face of Friends of Ingraham, answering questions and connecting with the Ingraham community. The president should be comfortable with occasional public speaking. In 2025/2026 this is a unique 1 year commitment as we add in a co-president role.
Work with the Treasurer and Fundraiser to execute the current year budget
Assist Communications to share important information with the Ramily
Set agendas and priorities for the board meetings
Help troubleshoot or innovate as needed
Work with VP to distribute community grants
Work with and train the co-president to be president the following year.
Time commitment can range 10-30 hours a month. More if you choose.
Co-President: This person works with the President to learn one year and then lead in the next year. (2 year commitment).
Take the lead on parent outreach like the New Parent Event in Fall and other community building events
Work with treasurer to develop budget in the spring
Help with Bright Futures
Recruit new board members as needed
Learn throughout year 1 to Lead year 2.
Time commitment 10- 15 hours per month
Fundraising Chair: FOI cannot do what it does without the generous support of the Ramily! As fundraising director, you have a front row seat to learning about all the ways our donations are used and sharing those stories with our community. When we ask for support our generous community shows up to lend a hand.
The Annual Appeal is an established fundraiser for FOI. Take the existing notes and files and keep this fundraiser going.
This role has a burst of work in October and November and then tapers off dramatically.
This role can be expanded to create other fundraisers, if needed or desired.
Update the on-line donation platform as needed to accept donations.
Time commitment: 5-10 hours per week Oct/Nov
Communications Chair: Sharing information with the Ramily is an important part of what we do. FOI uses a variety of ways to reach out to families. Help us create engaging, helpful content and share it out using a variety of easy to use on-line apps.
Use an on-line app to create the monthly newsletter
Help board members create an Instagram post
Update website as needed with new information
Help create content with board members to clearly share information, help needed or celebrate a success!
Time commitment: 5-10 hours per month concentrated on when the newsletter is getting prepared to be sent
Hospitality Chair: Creating a warm welcoming environment and being a friendly face in the crowd is how FOI connects with the Ramily at in person events.
Provide snacks at New Parent Event in the fall or other large in person gatherings. Your costs are fully reimbursed. Costco membership is convenient but not required.
A few times a year, staff members will host an event and FOI will provide funding for food. Support these efforts by picking up the trays of sandwiches or pizza and delivering to school.
Work with co-president at larger events to be a friendly welcoming presence and answer questions
Assistant Treasurer: Help manage on-line donation platform and offer support to other board members or senior events as needed to make on-line donations possible. 2-5 hours per month
Senior Event Steering Committee: 4 or 5 people willing to work together to divide the duties of senior events into committees, raise money and plan SPREE and the senior breakfast. 5-15 hours per month (more in spring, less in fall)
Vice President: FILLED FOR 2025/2026 The Vice President is a member of the Executive Board and primarily manages the grants program. They will send out grant solicitation letters to school staff via principal 3 times per year, review initial grant requests received, and chair the grant committee that evaluates the grants for approval by the FOI Board. They then work with the Treasurer and school financial staff to distribute the approved grants. The Vice President also fills in for the President at meetings if the President is absent. The average time commitment is 4-5 hours per month plus another 6-8 hours per grant cycle (4 times/year).
Treasurer: FILLED FOR 2025/2026 The Treasurer is a member of the Executive Board and is responsible for handling the financial affairs of the organization, including budgeting, managing accounts, tax reports, and more. The Treasurer has the support of a Bookkeeper to manage transactions and we hire a company to do our taxes. Strong financial skills are required and it’s useful to know how to use quickbooks and spreadsheets. The Treasurer attends all board, grant, and general meetings. The time commitment varies considerably depending on the season, ranging from 4-20 hours per month.
Secretary : FILLED FOR 2025/2026 The Secretary is a member of the Executive Board and is responsible for taking and recording meeting minutes. They take notes at the meetings, transcribe them, and put them up on the Ingraham website. The time commitment is about 4-6 hours per month. They also schedule all of the meeting and coordinate building permits for the meetings.